3-year Postdoctoral Fellowships in Digital Humanities and the Cambridge 1870-71 French caricature collection

Re-blogged from the French Studies Francofil mailing list:

Le Sire de Fisch-Ton-Kan (Ed. Renaux)

The nineteenth-century French group at the University of Cambridge is keen to attract applicants to come to work as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities in Cambridge for 3 years on the large collection in the University Library of caricatures from the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune (KF.3.9-14). Details of the overall scheme are available here.

Applicants may have doctoral qualifications in Digital Humanities, but applications are also welcomed from postdoctoral researchers in cognate areas (including Modern Languages). Applicants should demonstrate an engagement with DH issues, familiarity with DH methods, and an understanding of the changes in epistemic cultures digital transformation produces. High-level technical skills are not necessarily required but may be part of the application to Cambridge Digital Humanities. The application closing date is 10 November 2019.

La ménagerie impériale, composée des ruminants, amphibies, carnivores et autres budgetivores qui ont dévoré la France pendant 20 ans

Nick White (French Section, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics) and Irène Fabry-Tehranchi (French collections, Cambridge University Library) have been developing a research interest in this material, and are keen to attract applications from candidates who have, or will soon, complete a PhD.

An earlier blogpost explains the nature of the material and its history, and includes a link to the digitization of the first of the six large volumes of coloured plates in the collection.

La dégringolade, par Paul Klenck


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