Droz online: trial access to the series Textes Littéraires Français, Humanisme et Renaissance, and Calvin

Librairie Droz is a Francophone academic publisher founded by Eugénie Droz in Geneva in 1924. It specialises in Medieval and Renaissance studies, literary criticism, art history, history of the book, and social sciences (in particular economic history). Cambridge University Library has a number of standing orders to its print collections, such as Bibliothèque des Lumières, Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes, Diderot studies, Hautes études du monde gréco-romain, Hautes études médiévales et modernes, Hautes études orientales, Histoire des idées et critique littéraire, Publications romanes et françaises, Seuils de la modernité or Travaux du Grand Siècle. We are starting a one-month trial to its three series available as ebooks: Textes Littéraires Français; Humanisme et Renaissance; and the Calvin database.

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More extended access to Francophone e-resources at Cambridge: Cairn and Brepols

As part of temporary measures to help universities during the lockdown period, Cairn, an important online collection of francophone publications in social sciences and humanities, are offering free access to all their c. 10.000 ebooks and pocket encyclopaediasfrom major French, Belgian and Swiss publishers (“Ouvrages” and “Que sais-je ?/Repères” tabs in the top banner), until 31st May 2020. Access is through Raven, at this link (Connexion > Grande Bretagne > University of Cambridge (accès distant)). Cambridge University Library also subscribes annually to 156 of the Cairn journals (out of c. 500 in total), as part of a package called “French studies and humanities” on the platform “Cairn international edition” (see the A-Z Databases: Francophone Area Studies).


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