Zainichi  在日: Korean Diaspora in Japan

In May 2024, the University Library Japanese and Korean section organised a book display entitled ‘Zainichi 在日: Korean Diaspora in Japan’ in the Aoi Pavilion. This book display was in conjunction with the Ra Jong-yil Lecture 2024 series event, a conversation with Min Jin Lee. Min Jin Lee is the author of the bestselling novel Pachinko (2017). It wonderfully portrays a Zainichi Korean Diaspora family during the turmoil in Japan and their resilience over three generations. The novel was translated into numerous languages and the UL displayed its copies in English, Korean and Japanese (as shown in the photographs below). During her stay in Cambridge, Min Jin Lee visited the UL and the display. She also signed the ULs copy of Pachinko.

The book display was a showcase of multi-lingual (English, Japanese and Korean) research materials about Zainichi that are available in the University Library (UL) and the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) library. The word在日 (Zainichi) literally means residing in Japan. It refers to individuals of Korean descent who live in Japan, particularly those who migrated from Korea during periods of historical upheaval, such as the Japanese occupation (1910-1945) and the aftermath of World War II. The display also included books on the themes of Zanichi Art, Zainichi Literature and Korean ethnic schools (Hakkyo). Continue reading “Zainichi  在日: Korean Diaspora in Japan”